A List of International Corporate Foundations and Grants Programs for NGOs in Developing Countries

Corporate agencies have welfare programs to provide financial support for various community developmentprojects as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). But many of these programs are limited to those areas where these corporates are active and those where they think there is high potentiality for their products and services.
However, there are some international corporates which offer grants to NGOs without taking into consideration their commercial interests. In general, these corporates provide financial support to organizations in most parts of the world, including poor and developing countries. Many of them also have established exclusivefoundations to support projects and programs for reducing poverty and improving the living conditions of the poor around the world.
Here is the list of these corporate foundations and grants. Some of these have both open and closed calls for proposals, which you can bookmark for your fundraising strategy.
  1. The Coca-Cola Foundation
  2. MTV Staying Alive Foundation
  3. The Zayed Future Energy Prize
  4. Nestlè Prize in Creating Social Value
  5. Allen Foundation Inc.
  6. Rockefeller Brothers Fund
  7. Monsanto Fund
  8. Charles Steward Mott Foundation
  9. American Express Foundation
  10. Ford Foundation
  11. The ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management
  12. Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Programme
  13. CISCO Global Impact Crash Grant
  14. ViiV Healthcare Positive Action Grant
  15. Boeing Corporate Citizenship Programme

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